Pics... Mike

Mike's dog in black and white (she's a dalmation, so the B&W pic doesn't change much)

Black and white (I got a crappy digital camera, so what?)

Mike (in color!) with tattoos...(they're fake, but cool lookin')

Pretending to be crucified...

Mad... I think... Am I wearing eyeliner? I don't remember that...

Blurry pic.

Ahh!! I froze to death... but I'm back now... ha ha ha ha ha

Heh heh heh... Anyone can have fun with come goggles, a set of jumper cables, and a car battery... c'mere kitty.... heh heh heh, no Nick's cats are cool...

Screaming, thats one of our better songs...

Hahaha... I'm a badass now with my tounge pierced... any ladies that wanna try it, my mail is at the bottom of most of the pages... ha ha ha

Look at me, I'm strange...

That was in march or something when I got my hair cut.

ooohh... evil....

My eye... hmm


LOOK... I GOT MY LISCENCE! ooooohhh!

hmm... just standing there.

my new tattoo