Links and shit...
Ok, well, here are some links to other bands we know or something...

Tragic Vitality, it's a pretty cool mostly-girl band with 2 of my x-girlfriends in it... and 2 of Jeff's... wait, they're the same 2 girls...... hey!

Skaskank Redemption; a kick-ass ska/punk band from our town. Check them out.

School for Scoundrels, great punk group, also from here in town.
Seven Day Plague, hardcore band, yet another from here... I've been to three of their shows I think, and they are intense. Only thing is, they have some different people and have changed their name to Hanging Effigy. Plus I don't think this site is up anyway. Oh well.
Ekon.Blue a pretty good, relatively new emo band(dont know emo? Think Weezer or Promise Ring). They just did their first show on May 11th I think.
Just some random links...

My online Journal

( it's a pretty cool site, it just explains satanism and stuff... I think it's cool...

( It's like a comic strip, but online, and funnier than snoopy or something

( This thing is pretty funny, although pointless, it takes a while to load, but it's worth it.
If it stops randomly (there is an end with credits and everything) just right-click and hit play, then do it again in a minute or so.
Ok, well, theres nothing much else to put here cause... I don't know why... as always Mail Me and tell me some cool sites to check out and maybe I'll put it up.